Wire Sculpture

The assignment was to create a sculpture out of wire; it was based off of an object we brought from home and should be in proportion. The subject of my creation is a lacrosse stick, that is more or less in proportion. I measured the piece of wire against the actual stick and then use a fish hook "stitch" to hold the wire pieces together. I used wire cutters and needle nosed pliers as tools to do this with.

I used space to see the negative space in between the stick, which gave my project form. I had to balance the whole thing out so it wouldn't be too heavy on one side and too light on the other. I was just going to do the head of the stick, but then I thought it would be more interesting to do the full stick, so thats what I did.

Its lacrosse season; and obviously I love lacrosse, so I wanted my project to revolve around lacrosse. I'm proudest of the stringing of the stick; I looked up how to string a lacrosse stick so I tried to match that with my small wire. I struggled on making the shaft of the stick; I didn't want it to be flimsy, so I had to be sure I made the attachments strong. I would try to put more detail on the shaft and make it even more sturdy.