
include the city

watercolor + ink pen


I wanted to have a small neighborhood of people. When I think of a neighborhood, I think of a group of people and/or families living together. I had each of the people doing something to interact with someone else so that they're not alone. Each house is different and unique, but it's apart of the same street within in a neighborhood; they're included. I wanted to try a new style of drawing, so I made the people more cartoon-ish and made multiple figures doing different things. I used watercolor and .03, .01, and .05 Micron pens as well.

First, I looked for images of houses on a street. After I had compiled multiple images that I liked, I used them as a basis to for each house on the street I drew. Next, I sketched them out and went over them with the Micron pens to make it more visible from far away because the watercolors I use are very pastel. At first, I thought that I might want to use cut paper again, but then decided to try something different (watercolor). I struggle with drawing people, so I tried drawing cartoon people. If I could fix something, I think I would want to use a ruler to measure things out and maybe add some text, but I guess it's okay if the lines aren't perfect since I'm focusing on the idea of inclusion + included everyone no matter what.