Negative Space Chair

The assignment was to draw chairs but lines could not go through each other. The subject of this was the space around the chairs. I used a viewfinder to focus in on what I was drawing and I used color pencil for the designs around the chairs.

I chose to draw the different cultural symbols because today the world is so divided and I wanted to bring all of these symbols together, to show that we should bring our cultures together on the planet. I used different colors that contrasted with each other and that I felt were a "theme" for that country/culture.

The meaning was stated in the above paragraph. This project relates to me because I was born in Russia and I hear a lot of things about Russians; actually, not just Russians, but other cultures and I hear stereotypes that don't really make me happy. I'm proudest of the Irish bear paw. I really enjoyed drawing that and it was something different that not a lot of people know how to draw. I struggled with drawing the Indian flower. It was hard to chose what colors to use. I think I could have made the coloring stronger.