
The assignment was to create a piece of art that showed what an inclusive community looked like to you. The subject of my creation is a group of people who are all different taking a selfie. I cut a bunch of different magazine pieces and glued them together to create the people. I then added a simple line drawing of a city in the background, along with adding some "happy" words.

I used balance to show the different colors of the people's skin and to show how they were all different. I used line in the background by making the lines pure and not adding much detail to them. I used unity when I added the blue watercolor in the background so it wouldn't be so plain. I was going to draw the people at first but then decided to experiment with the magazine clips again because I think its unique and different.

I wanted to make the picture more modern, so I had them taking a selfie. Along with having different skin colors, one is in a wheelchair and two are visibly of different religions; there is a nun and a Muslim woman. Not many people focus on nuns and how they are apart of our community, even though we don't see them everyday. People seem to think they're a different species, so I wanted to add on in to make it so everyone was really included. I struggled with coming up with an idea originally but I looked at "groups of people" on google and found the image of people taking a selfie, and I was inspired by that. I think I would have a stronger background, there's something about it that doesn't seem complete.