Extended Blind Contour

The assignment was to look at an earlier assignment that was blind contour drawings of our hands and faces. We had to make something out of it. The subject of my drawing is a dragon and a princess in the middle of the page. The overall painting is a medieval battle scene. I first drew the outlines for the bodies and castle wall and then I went over it with Sharpie and then painted it with water color.

I chose to make this because I think dragons are something that are really fun to make; you can really make a dragon look however you want. I tried to use bright colors to bring out the dragon and I also tried to bring out the dragon by using a darker color as the background to make the dragon stand out. It took me a while to figure out what to draw. I turned it sideways and one of my hands reminded me of the bones in a wing.

Before this, I had just listened to a story set in medieval times. This is what really influenced my work. In the drawing, the princess is running away from the dragon. I feel like humans are always running away from something, which is our own personal dragon. I am proudest of the fire in the corners; I haven't really worked with watercolors much and I felt the fire came out decent. I struggled with picking an idea for this. I spent a lot of the class thinking about what it should be. If I could fix something, it would be thinking out what colors I was going to use. Some of the colors don't really look good with each other.