Negative Space Leaf

The assignment was to take some various leaves and outline them, some could go off the page, and others could stay fully on the page. We then had to fill in the space (negative space) in between the leaves with fall colors. The subject is the negative space between the leaves. I used colored pencils and made sort of a "flame" negative space. Drawing flames are fun and I attempted to do that in the negative space.

I chose to do the flames because I really enjoy drawing flames. I used color and balanced it by using more than one color. I used the lines of the leaves to be the tip of the flames. I was originally going to do stripes but I wanted to be more original.

The thing I am proudest of in the piece is probably how I didn't use too much of one color. I struggled in blending them together and trying to get them to contrast. I think my coloring could have been stronger and darker. I was a little rushed and there are some white spaces.