
DESCRIBE: The subject of this image is my little cousin. The setting is my lawn, covered in flowers. To create this image, I asked my little cousin if she wanted me to take a picture of her in the flowers so she ran over and posed exactly like this. I captured the image, making sure to balance out the flowers throughout and include composition. In the dark room, I used a spray bottle with developer and sprayed down at my image to give a rain effect. I chose to create this image because it is spring and in spring the weather is typically rainy and that's when the flowers are blooming. That's why I decided to incorporate both of those into my image. In the other print, I just painted the dandelions yellow.

ANALYZE: This image shows the composition rule of thirds. My cousin sits on the left side of the image, rather than the center. I didn't end up having to change my plans, everything happened accordingly.

EVALUATE: The meaning behind this image is to show that you should enjoy your innocence. When you're a kid, you don't have a worry other than what you're gonna be eating for lunch. My cousin is a prime example of this. She was running around and playing, just enjoying time to herself and loving life. When you get older, you don't see people doing that as often. I think this image could be stronger if it was in color and if there was another child, like her older brother. This way the meaning of being innocent would be more clear.