
DESCRIBE: The subject of this image is my brother. The setting is our dining table, where he does his homework. To create this image, I gave my brother his homework and asked him to act like he was doing it. I developed it and then drew a bunch of question marks around his head to show confusion. I used colors that were complimentary and tried to space them out in a sensible way. I chose to create this image because my brother is one of the more characteristic people I know so I knew he would work perfect for this project.

ANALYZE: This image shows the composition high key lighting from the windows letting all the light into the room. I also used flash so that brought out the highlights of the image

EVALUATE: This image relates to my life because my little brother has a processing disorder and struggles to do his work. Everyone else in our family, including my older brother and I, don't struggle at all. This is why I used this photo to identify my brother. This is showing how he is different from us. I think think image could be stronger if it wasn't posed and he was genuinely trying to do his work because the expressions he has and his way of figuring problems out is unique and really showcases him. However, because of his processing disorder, taking photos of him doing his homework would upset him.