Advanced Photograms

DESCRIBE: The subject of this image is the flames. The setting is my mom's flower garden. To create this image, I combined four photos that I had previously taken for this class and used photoshop to pick specific pieces of each image to compile onto the one background image. After that I put a grey scale on the image and saved that version, and then inverted it and saved that version as well. I chose to create this image because each piece I added, was something that stuck out to me. Each edited-in piece was contrasted from it's original image and also added contrast to these. The fence forms lines, the trees and fence show texture and pattern.


This image shows the composition grouping, because there are many flames going up. The fences also show the composition leading lines because they go off into different directions. Originally, I was going to leave the tree like it normally was in the background but then I figured that if I overlapped the tree with the bark of another, it would emphasize the tree more.


The meaning behind this image is to show that sometimes good things don't end well. There are good things like flowers and trees in this image but the fire at the bottom is burning it all down. This project relates to my life because I have dealt with a lot of life-changing things, like have cancer when I was younger. I think this image could be stronger if the tops of the flames weren't cut off and the tree barks blended better. The image wouldn't appear as messy.