Quarter Review

During this quarter, I was able to watch myself grow as a photographer. Before this class I enjoyed taking photos just for fun but I now realise that I never used any techniques or compositions. Now, when I see a photo, I notice specifics about it. I look at it and look at the compositions and other techniques that photographers use. My photos now are a lot better because I use these same techniques. I have also noticed my editing skills have gotten a lot better. My favorite assignment I did was probably my "selected color" assignment. I really like those photos I did because I like how they create a focus point in the photo. The photographer has the ability to control where you look. The photos I took I spent quite long on. I did a lot to them to make them look the best I could. My weakest assignment was probably the "texture" assignment. I feel like I could have been more creative with what I came up with. Overall, I have noticed myself becoming a stronger photographer and also growing a larger interest.

This picture is from the "selected color" assignment. It was one of our first projects we did in photoshop. The assignment was to remove color from everything except one thing. The photo was originally of him with his whole face and all but I cropped that out because I thought it looked more simple. I like this photo because it's very simple but still cool.

This photo is also from the "selected color" assignment. I put a gradient layer on the entire photo and then used the eraser to put the color back in the bench. I like this photo because it's so simple but also interesting.

This photo is from the "portrait transformation" assignment. For this assignment, we were supposed to combine two photos, one of which being a portrait of someone. I used an old photo that I took of a waterfall and a picture of my brother. I used photoshop to make photos have a gradient layer, making them black and white. I then messed with the blending mode until I found one that looked good. I then used the eraser on the outside and this is what I got. This is one of my favorite pieces because I think it looks very cool.

This photo is from the "digital composition" assignment. The point of this assignment was to take photos that show different techniques and compositions that photographers use. This photo represented the composition "informal balance." I really like this photo because of the edits I did in photos really sets a tone. I also like how the branch is a distraction, which is why it is informal balance.


  • exposure: 0.50
  • black point: -0.33
  • cast: 0.29

This photo is from the "same but different" assignment. The assignment was to take one photo and use the photos app to edit it three different ways. This was my third edit. I really like this photo because the edits really give it a certain vibe and also give it shadows.


  • shadows: -0.82
  • brightness: 0.72
  • black point: 0.80
  • saturation: -0.89
  • cast: 0.63

This photo is from the "digital composition" assignment. This photo is an example of sharp focus. All things in the picture stick out. I like this photo because there are a lot of little details that I captured like the cheese.


  • highlights: 0.28
  • black point: 0.34
  • saturation: 0.39

This photo is also from the "digital composition" assignment. It is an example of angle up. I like this photo because I like how the post leads up and it really makes the sky show. I also like how when I put it in black and white, the sky looks a lot cooler and mysterious.


  • brightness: -0.52
  • black point: 0.36
  • intensity: 0.73

This photo is from the "texture" assignment. For this assignment, we were supposed to take photos that showed texture. I put M&Ms in a bowl and this is how it came out. I like this photo because of the many different colors and the fact that is shows texture still.


  • exposure: 0.38
  • shadows: -0.64
  • contrast: 0.23
  • saturation: 0.28

This photo is from the "multiplicity" assignment. For this assignment, we were supposed to take multiple photos without moving the camera so the background wouldn't move. I like this photo because it looks like she is boosting herself up onto the mat and this could have a deep meaning. This could represent a quote by Grenville Kleiser, "learn to depend upon yourself by doing things in accordance with your own way of thinking." I just like how one photo could represent many things.

This photo is from the "portrait transformation" assignment. This assignment was to mess around with photoshop by merging two photos together. I took a photo that I used in my "texture" assignment and then a picture of my friend and messed around with the blending mode until I liked the look of it. I like this photo because of the different colors on the M&Ms and how they show through her, like how the yellow M&M is on her eye.