Reflective Self Image


The subject of this image is the ribbon and my scar. The setting is my bathroom, because thats the only lighting that I could partially make work. To create this image, I used a ribbon and note that was in a picture frame to reflect my scar. After I captured the image, I put it in greyscale and then inverted it. I chose to create this image because I knew it would have a powerful meaning because it set the grounds for who I am as a person today. The ribbon is supposed to balance out both sides of the image to show my scar.


This image shows the composition formal balance. Both sides of the image are similar. My transparency was very light and the print also kept coming out light. I messed around with the aperture and developer time but it was still coming out grey.


The meaning of this image is to show that your experiences early on in life reflect who you are as a person. Having cancer made me into the person I am today and it will constantly be one of those things that I "reflect" on. I think this image could be stronger if there were more tones so the image wasn't so grey.