Thoughtful Landscape


The subject of this image is the logs. The setting is my neighborhood, which is filled with logs due to my Uncle owning a logging business. To create this image, I walked around my Uncle's wood piles for the best angle. After deciding on this image, I edited it with an app called VSCO by applying a portrait filter. I chose this one because I liked the how the color of the wood emphasised the logs which represents Maine even more.


This image shows the composition rule grouping. This is shown through the piles of logs, that form groups. Originally, I was going to use an image with a completely different angle. When I saw this image, however, I knew the way the color showed in the wood and made them stick out suited the project more and also made the image overall more appealing.


The meaning of this image is to express Maine's landscapes. Maine is known for logging, L.L. Bean, fishery, and other things. My uncle, who also happens to be my neighbor, has his own logging business. So every since I was a child, I was surrounded by these piles of logs. I think this image could be stronger if it had more color. Other than the logs, the image is dead of color. I think that more color would make the image more eye-catching. In the future, I would like to take this picture on a day that isn't so gloomy and grey.