Altered Process


The subject of this image is the puppy. The setting is the living room floor of my house. To create this image, I took an original picture in color of the puppy and in photoshop added a grey scale. Then, I inverted it and printed a transparency of it. After that, I took it in the dark room and used a test strip to determine how long to put the image under light. I made the final print by putting light on the image for 13 seconds. I took a paintbrush and wiped developer on the light sensitive paper and let it set for a minute. I finished the rest of the dark room steps and then scanned the image onto my computer. I chose to create this image because I liked the texture in the dogs fur. I also knew that the puppy was many shades of yellow, so there would be different shades with a grey scale.


This image shows the composition bird's eye view. I captured this image looking down on my dog while she looked up at me. This gives the appearance of a "bird's eye view." It also shows the composition informal balance. The different squiggles and lines from the developer makes the sides unbalanced. There is no unity. Originally, I was going to get a closer up shot of the face of the puppy but that took away the texture and shades of color in the image so I changed it.


The meaning behind this image is to enjoy your innocence. Being 16, I heard talk about these being my "innocent" years. The years that matter most in determining the person you are and your future. A puppy is the perfect representation of innocent, especially this image and the innocent look she is giving me. I think this image could be stronger if the brush strokes weren't so prominent on the print. It sort of looks like it got scratched and wasn't on purpose.