
Personal Landscape

1. What is the central idea of your concentration?

The central idea of my concentration is to capture Maine's natural beauty from different angles and areas. I wanted to have the same effect on other people. I wanted people to see these landscape and see what's really behind them. I want them to see the beauty that goes unseen. With artsonia, my website, and many other resources I am able to do so. Ever since I was a kid, I loved photography. Not necessarily the compositions, principals, or anything like that but I loved seeing images of landscapes. I love nature, the outdoors, traveling and through photography I can see so many different places and their beauty. Landscape photography always were the ones to catch my eye. I remember being a little kid and there would be a picture of mountains or the ocean on the wall of some building and I would always make my parents stop so I can look at it.

2. How does the work in your concentration demonstrate the exploration of your idea?

Originally I chose it because landscapes are the only photos I like to take but now that I've been interpreting my images and explaining them, I realize that photography has so much more meaning. There is a story and purpose behind each image a photographer takes, even if they don't realize it at first. For example, the image where I used a flashlight to represent the sun, shows that things can have different meanings. The sun and the flashlight both create light, but for different reasons.


Before this class, I never looked at a photograph and cared. I would just think, "oh that looks cool," and walk away. Now everytime I look at an image, I see the compositions, elements, and meaning behind it all. Before you could as me to describe an image and I would be done in about three sentences. Now, I can write over three paragraphs and still feel like I didn't say enough about one image.


This semester has taught me a lot as a photographer. Before, I would just see a sunset and think, "oh that's pretty, let me take a picture show someone." Now I realize that photography is so much more than that. Before I think of an idea for an image, I think about what kind of meaning it has. The meaning of an image is so important because without a meaning, why would we even take photos? We'd look at it and have nothing to say about it.



Written Reflection:

  • These images are all related to the concentration I chose at the beginning of the semester. I chose to do landscapes because before I even started photography classes, I enjoyed landscape views and pictures. These are all images of landscapes that are familiar to me. Most of them were taken around my property, so I should've been familiar with them but then I realized I wasn't as familiar with my surroundings as I thought. I saw more of what was around me, paid attention to landscapes that I usually don't. PhotographyThis concentration taught me that there are so many different types of landscapes and ways to portray them. My ability to capture a landscape became better as well. Once I learned techniques and compositions, it became easy to take a photo. Overall, these landscape photos relate to me in some way, and even though the school year is over, landscapes will continue to be my concentration with photography.