
DESCRIBE: The subject of this image is blossoms. The setting is my backyard, where there is a pear tree. To create this image, I had someone shake one of the branches of the pear tree so the blossoms would fall. I captured the image as they were falling down. I chose to create this image because just after we got assigned the topic of movement, I went home and looked outside and the only thing I saw moving was the blossoms when the wind blew them. I made sure the blossoms were balanced throughout the image.

ANALYZE: This image shows the composition grouping. The blossoms are all throughout the image and grouped together everywhere. It also shows the composition rule of thirds. The painted on wind is only on the right side of the image, to balance out the tree and blossoms. Originally, I was just going to paint the blossoms but then I had a lot of trouble in the dark room so I painted wind, or a spaceship if you're Mr. Heathco, to cover up the marks on my print.

INTERPRET: The meaning behind this image is to show that sometimes things aren't always beautiful. This project relates to my life because this pear tree was planted when I was a kid. It's old now and the pears are always dead and mushy on the ground around it. This time of year though, it's beautiful. This is why I chose the meaning I did. I think this image could be stronger if there wasn't as many greys and you could see the blossoms together. Next time, I would try to layer more transparencies together.