Inspired Recreation


The Bruce Child, Cecilia Beaux


The Bailey Child, Braelyn Bailey, 2018

DESCRIBE: The subject of this image is the portrait of the boy. The setting is my living room. To create this image, I found the historical one above and decided it would be perfect to recreate with my little brother. I searched my house for identical clothing and a big hat. After I got my brother in the outfit, I had him stand in front of a blank wall and copy the original boy's stance and face. Once I captured that image, I took the original photo in photoshop and removed the boy from the inside and added the picture of my brother into it. I used the clone stamp to finish the hat and fill in wall areas so it looked unified into one real image. I then put a greyscale and inverted it. Then, I printed my transparency and made my darkroom print. I then used watercolor paint to match the background texture or colors of the original image. I chose to create this image because I knew my little brother would fit perfectly. He loves having his picture taken and dressing up so it was a win-win for both of us. I liked the blank space around the image that makes it look like it's in a ball.

ANALYZE: This image shows the composition framing. The circle shape that cuts the image is framing my brother. It also shows the composition sharp focus. Everything in the image appears sharp and clear, like his freckles. I didn't originally have a big hat so I was going to use a blanket or something along those lines to create what looks like an actual hat but instead I went out and bought one last minute and it worked perfectly.

EVALUATE: The meaning behind this image is to show the difference in kids from way back when to now. We've all heard the controversies about how newer generations are spoiled and lazy and only care about technology. My brother isn't like that. He doesn't dress like back then, but he acts like it. He has a big heart and enjoys outdoor activities like me. I think this image could be stronger if the line around the circle was more crisp but with editing I couldn't get a perfect line. Also, I wish my image was brighter.