

The subject of this image is food. The setting is my kitchen, built into a superior theme. I made this image by using a variety of foods to create a king/ruler theme. A fruit roll up was used as a isle, a leftover donut as a throne, and some raspberries and chocolate chips to add color and emphasis. Without them, the image would be boring. I figured the lego characters add contrast because legos typically aren't involved with food. I chose to create this image because I wanted to use foods that I enjoyed and showed a lot of variety of color.


This image shows the composition selective focus because the important things, like the donut and people are all focused on whereas the things that don't really matter like the raspberries are out of focus. Originally I had planned for soldiers to use the foods as shelter but my little brother only had lego figures and this was the first thing that came to mind.


The meaning behind this image is to show that everything is not always how you make it seem to be. There is always some good that you never see. There is good in every bad. This image shows this because it shows a king or ruler having someone bow down. This shows the ruler as thinking he is better than other people, which isn't necessarily the case. This is why I chose to use sweet foods. People may think so highly of themselves and we see them as being bad people but we don't really know them. Even though this image shows one person powering another, there's something "sweet" about it. There is something sweet about the ruler that we don't see. I honestly don't like this image because I had no idea what to do. I tried so many things but nothing would turn out. I wish the image had more of a story or a different concept than it seems. I also wish I could've clone stamped the tile in the back out so it was a plain background but the clone stamp wouldn't work.