Family Dynamics


The subject of this image is my brother and dogs. The setting is my living room. I captured this image early in the morning. This is what I see every weekday morning. For this project I thought about my family and what an average day for us looks like and this is how I start mine. I grabbed my camera and sneakily took this picture, so my brother and dogs wouldn't notice. Then, I added a grayscale and inverted it. I then printed the transparency and made my final darkroom print. I chose to create this image because like I said, this is the time my family is actually at peace and normal. The empty space on the walls and windows balances the mess on the couch and floor.


This image shows the composition low key lighting. Especially the borders of the image, appear dark. The things on the border are hard to see because it's so dark. Originally, I was going to use a picture of my family in the middle of doing something but then I figured that an image that isn't staged, would be a better representation of my family.


The meaning behind this image is to show my true life. My family is important and capturing images like these make you realize what truly matters. If I were to wake up and not see my brother or dogs, it would feel strange. He says good morning to me every morning and the ones that he doesn't, just don't feel normal. My mom always leaves her laundry to do on the couch so if I were to wake up to an empty couch, I would immediately think of my mom. I think this image could be stronger if I could've included more compositions because it was an awkward area to include them. In the future, I would probably try a more creative angle or view.