Unique Lighting


The subject of this image is the flashlight which represents the sun. The setting is the sky view and trees from my backyard. To create this image, I waited for the sun to start setting. I then took my flashlight, turned it on, and faced it towards my camera in front of where the sun should be. After that, I captured the image and highered the brilliance and lowered the highlights in the photos app. I chose to create this image because the sun usually involves a landscape and is a light source so I knew that would work in my favor. I knew a flashlight would provide a circular shape like the sun so the two ideas would work perfectly. I liked the different colors of blue in the sky which also emphasises the clouds.


This image shows the composition silhouette lighting. The light is so bright that it made the trees behind it appear dark because there was no light on them. The image also shows the composition soft focus. Everything in the image, like the trees and sky, are not completely focused on. They appear soft in the image. Originally, I was going to use the flame from a lighter to represent the sun but it didn't show up in the picture. That's when I thought of a flashlight, which creates a circular light source.


The meaning behind this image is to show how things can have different meanings like how the sun and flashlight both produce light but they do it for different purposes. The sunlight feeds things and provides natural light and a flashlight is used in dark places. This project relates to my life because I have always been someone who is easily able to interpret things that have different meanings. Like when I listen to new music, I try to interpret the real meaning. I think this image could be stronger if the light wasn't as bright. I think the flashlight may be a little too bright and distract from the background.