Walk Around

Artist Statement: This was the first project we did with the film cameras. As a class, we went outside and took pictures of anything. I used the leading line composition in this photo. For this, we had to develop our film using the developer, stop, and fix like before. After our film was rinsed for five minutes and dry, we cut it up to fit in a plastic cover to make our contact sheets. First we did a test strip. I cut the film into strips and made a test strip by doing two second increments of exposing the paper to light while covering up less of the film each time. After that, I made the contact sheet. To do that, we put the cutouts on a piece of paper in the darkroom and set the aperture to F11 and shined the light on it for 9 seconds. I then developed it with the chemicals and once the contact sheet was done, I picked which photo was my favorite out of all of them. I chose the one above and so I took that strip of film and put it in the light machine in the dark room and set it up so that specific photo was shining through the light. I shined it on a new piece of photo paper for 9 seconds. I developed that one and then after it rinsed for ten minutes, I let it dry and this is the final product.