Thoughtful Portrait


The subject of this image is my dog, overlooking my little brother. To create this image, I originally was planning to capture the sunset but then I saw my little brother playing and I thought it would put more meaning once I added the portrait of my dog. I took the picture of my dog the other day and figured it would work perfect. I filled in the blank space in the sky with the portrait.


This image shows the composition low horizon line. The skies horizon line sits on the bottom of the image. It also shows the composition low key lighting. The overall lighting of the image is dark. Originally, I wasn't going to have my brother and dog in image but then I realized that they would add to the image.


This image shows that you always have to make time to have fun. My brother is playing with my dogs and the portrait shows the excitement my dog gets when he wants to play. If we don't take time to have fun in life, we won't be happy. This project relates to my life because I always make time to play with my dogs because otherwise they will be unhappy. I never really realized that it goes the same for humans. I think this image could be a little stronger if my photoshop skills were a bit better and my dog didn't show up as harsh.