Week 7

Welcome back from camp Year 6!

1. Have a class discussion about the details we can write.

2. Recap what we need to write a paragraph.

3. Make a copy of the template.

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit (self, peer and then teacher) and then publish! When publishing, make sure that you are posting your writing - not the template.

STuiā Year 6 Camp Writing
STuiā Camp Discussion

Week 5

1. Think about the writing that we have been doing in class. Have we been editing our work?

2. Make a copy of the template.

3. Think about the different ways that you can make your writing more interesting. What different words and terms will make my writing more captivating?

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit (self, peer and then teacher) and then publish!

STuiā Let's get to Editing
STuiā R6 Editing

Week 4

1. Think back to when we were doing 'show not tell' writing.

2. Make a copy of the template.

3. Think about the different ways that you can make your writing more interesting. What different words and terms will make my writing more captivating?

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit (self, peer and then teacher) and then publish!

Week 2-3

1. Look at the different poem types with the teacher.

2. Discuss with the class what the different rules are for each poem.

3. Make a copy of the template.

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit (self, peer and then teacher) and then publish!

R11 Poems
STuia Poems
STuiā Poem Rules

Week 2

1. Recap how to write a recount with the teacher.

2. Have a class discussion and fill out the template.

3. Make a copy of the template.

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit (self, peer and then teacher) and then publish!

STuiā Recount Writing

Week 1

Welcome back to school! We are now in the last term of the year.

1. Go over how to write a recount with the teacher.

2. Have a class discussion and fill out the template.

3. Make a copy of the template.

4. Fill out the template.

5. Edit and then publish!

STuiā Recount Writing