Week 10 - Cross Country

WALT: use more descriptive language in our writing.


  1. Go through the slides with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about the different descriptive words you can use
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work, give it to a buddy and then send it to me
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.


STuiā Cross Country - Draft Writing Term 3


Vocab List

STuiā Cross Country Vocab List
STuiā An Effective Paragraph - Examples

Week 8 - Cross Country

WALT: use more descriptive language in our writing.


  1. Go through the slides with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about the different descriptive words you can use
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work, give it to a buddy and then send it to me
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.


STuiā Cross Country - Draft Writing Term 3


Vocab List

STuiā Cross Country Vocab List
STuiā An Effective Paragraph - Examples

Week 6/7 - Rocky Shore

WALT: create a piece of writing sharing the information we have learnt in our own words.


  1. Go through the slides with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about the different descriptive words you can use
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work, give it to a buddy and then send it to me
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.


STuiā The Rocky Shore
STuiā Introduction to the Rocky Shore


Information about the rocky shore

Week 5 - Research Writing

WALT: create a piece of writing sharing the information we have learnt in our own words.


  1. Go through the slides with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about the different descriptive words you can use
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work, give it to a buddy and then send it to me
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.

Research sites

STuiā Habitats in the Rocky Shore

Week 5 - Writing with Miss Szymanik

WALT: Use simple, compound and complex sentences in our writing to make it more interesting for the reader.

Week 3 - Show Not Tell

WALT: show our audience using our words rather than tell.


  1. Go through the slides with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about the different descriptive words you can use
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work, give it to a buddy and then send it to me
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.
STuiā Show Not Tell Task



STuiā Show Not Tell


Research links

Week 2 - What is plankton?

WALT: research and write about plankton that can be found in the rocky shore.


  1. Watch the video with your teacher.
  2. Have a class brainstorm about plankton and how important they are.
  3. Complete the writing activity
  4. Proof read your work
  5. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.


Plankton Information


Video: Secret life of plankton


Research links

Week 1 - Something in the Water

WALT: research and write about about sea creatures from the rocky shore.


  1. Watch the video with your teacher.
  2. Have a discussion about what animals live in the rocky shore.
  3. Look at the template for research.
  4. At your tables you will be given a creature to look at and research.
  5. Complete the writing activity and research your creature.
  6. Proof read you work
  7. Post on your blog - include the WALT and a task description.




Science Learning Hub


National Library