Wednesday 6/3

Good Morning! Today is C-Day and we have Library. Did you enjoy listening to Pigs yesterday? I think Robert Munch is a very funny author. Today you will listen to another book of his called, Moira's Birthday! I hope you like it!

Below is your work for the day.

Parents please screenshot and send me the following:

  1. Pigs Writing (beginning, middle and end)

  2. math worksheet


First, log onto Person Realize and Re-read Stone Garden. Stop and check for comprehension while reading.

Answer questions orally after reading.

1.How did Momoko turn her stone garden into a real garden?

2. How has the garden changed from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Be specific using words/pictures from the story.

3. What kind of person is Momoko? Think of some character traits to describe her. Use detail from the story to prove your thinking.

Next, listen to Robert Musch Moira’s Birthday. Practice making connection a to the story with an adult.


First practice writing your spelling words 2 times each on the worksheet.

prefixes un and re

Then, complete the prefix re and un task cards. You can print the cards out and circle the answers or you can write the word with the correct answer next to it.

Last, listen to the prefix song.

Writing- (2 Day assignment-due) After listening to Pigs- students will use their reading comprehension skills, to write the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Please use complete sentences. Each part should have at least 2 sentences in their re-telling. Then they will put it all together and make their own pig! (If you can't complete the pig craft that is okay but the writing is mandatory.

Math-Log into to complete the math assignment.Do lesson 20 lesson 2. Please watch the video, do the guided practice and take the quiz. Don’t skip any of the parts! Then complete the worksheets to the left.

SS- First log onto S.S. site. Read Student Magazine Topic 5 The First Flight. Then watch the videos.

Then, read Student Magazine Topic 6 - People Past and Present. Watch the video. Discuss what you learned.

Children’s story about the Wright Brothers (Not mandatory)