Tuesday 3/31

Good Morning! Today is C-Day and we have Library! The lego challenge continued on Monday with Alex, Vincent, Navya, Eithan and Lucas building movie sets for the new Star Wards movie. If you would like to participate, you can find the lego challenge for today at the bottom of this page!! Send me your pictures to be posted here tomorrow! Below is your work for today!

Eithan's movie set

Navya's movie set

Alex's movie set

Vincent's movie set

Lucas' movie set

Reading- using the link below please listen to Planting a Rainbow. While you listen pay attention to the adjectives you hear. Tell a grown up atlas 3 adjectives that you heard. Next read aloud It Could Still be a Flower. Please have your child read it out loud instead of listening to the story. You can mute the sound. After reading It Could Still Be a Flower complete fast fact think sheet on the book It Could Still be a Flower. (You can print the Fast Fact Think Sheet or write it on a separate piece of paper.

Last read a book of your choice for 10 minutes and log into reading log


There seems to be some confusion getting onto the reading for today. You may need a username and password: Username is Learning20. Password: Clifford

Untitled: Mar 29, 2020 6:09 PM.webm

Writing (2 day assignment) -. Continue to work on your weekend news, if you didn’t finish it yesterday. Using the weekend news paper, write about three things you did this weekend, making sure to include adjectives to make your writing more descriptive. Highlight the adjectives so they stand out in your story. Make sure to have an opening sentence, transitional words, closing sentence, capital letters, and punctuation.

igh poem

Phonics (2 days assignment due Wednesday)- First Re-read Up High Poem. Find long i words spelled /igh/ Finish illustrating a picture to match the text. If you finished illustrating yesterday, re-read some old poems in your poetry journal.

Next, watch long i video.

Then, log onto Pearson Realize and complete readers and writers notebook page 461

Last, read your Keep Book. It's called Just Right on Pearson Realize

Spelling- Write your spelling words 3 times each

Math- (Topic 14-11) Log into pearsonsuccessnet.com to complete the math assignment. It is topic 14 lesson11. Please watch the video, do the guided practice and take the quiz. Don’t skip any of the parts! Then go to your math workbook and do lesson 14-11.

Social Studies-

Username : your child's first name passwords:123456

Then Students will read from the magazine Holidays.

Student Magazine Lesson 1 called National Holidays.

Then ask your child the following question: Why are national holidays important? Your child should answer the question orally to you.

Last visit the watch and learn site to watch a video on American symbols. https://watchandlearn.scholastic.com/videos/social-studies/the-united-states/american-symbols.html Take quiz after you have watched the video. If you need a username and password for this please try:

Username: Learning20 Password: Clifford

Are you missing MYSTERY SCIENCE?? Click on the link to watch a Mystery Science video on why we get the hiccups! (Optional)

Ms. Drake's Academic Enrichment Push-Out Lesson (Optional) This link will also be posted on the homepage from now on.

If you are looking for a critical thinking/creative thing to do.


Looking for Extra fun? Look out below!!

Lego Challenge

Day 5: You enter a contest to make the world's tallest tower! Build it with legos or any other building material you have at home! (Send me a picture of your creation! I will post them on my page the following day!

Do you like to find things in hidden pictures? If you follow the link to the left you will be able to play a fun hidden picture game!