Thursday 4/16

Good morning first graders!! Today is E-Day and we have Art. Please visit the art webpage to see your assignment for the day. Yesterday I started a 750 piece puzzle! It is going to be tricky to do. What have you been doing to keep busy? The lego challenge continued with Eithan and Jonathan building Cinderella's castle. I love looking at all your cool creations! Below is your work for the day!

Parents please screenshot and send me the following:

  1. Writing about forests

Jonathan's castle

Eithan's castle

Phonics- First open red reading journal and glue in /ue/ words and sentences. (You can hand write the words if you don’t have a printer.) Read /ue/ words. Then highlight the /ue/ words in each sentence.

Next, read/review /ui/ words from yesterday (in red reading journal)

Then watch a video on the different ways to spell the /ue/ sound!

Last pick 10 /ue/ and /ui/ words and write them on a mini whiteboard or piece of paper.


First Visit Bookflix and read aloud the story called Forests. Please mute the story so you can practice reading it aloud to an adult. For extra fun you can complete the “word match” game on the side. You can also listen to Red Riding Hood if you want. (If the picture below isn't working you can follow this link.)

Eithan star student

Next, Star Student Keep Book -Read aloud Eithan's Surfer of the Week Keep Book. Cut and assemble it as you have previously done. Then begin to illustrate cover, page 1,2, and 3.

Last, read a book of your choice and add it to your reading log!

Writing (cross curricular with Science)

Respond to questions after Reading Forests, and watching the Science videos. It may help the Student to be able to go back into the book and look for the answers. Please make sure to restate the question. (Ex. 2 Evergreen trees are special because...)

  1. What are some different kinds of trees that grow in a forest?

  2. What is special about Evergreen Trees?

  3. What state has the tallest trees in the world?

  4. Tell me a fact about Tropical Rainforests.

  5. Why is it important to take care of our forests?

Sight words/Word Wall Words- Watch and read your sight words on the video!

Science- The next habitat we will learn about is Forests. First watch the Brainpop Junior video on Forests.

Then, watch the video on Forest on watch and learn. Take quiz when you are finished.

Looking for more fun? Look out below!

Lego Challenge

Day 13: You're asked by the President to build a new monument of George Washington. (Send me a picture of your creation! I will post them on my page the following day!