Wednesday 6/17

Good morning! It's the last C-Day of the school year and we have Library. Today we will have our end of the year party during our 10:00 Zoom! I hope to see you there! Have you visited our Flipgrid page and made your farewell first grade video? I have seen Jordan, Julie, Seranova, Ariana, Jonathan, Luvina, Samantha, Emma K. and Navya's videos already! Head on over now to add yours! Below is your work for the day.

Parents please send me your field trip video today!

Phonics- Let's review when two vowels go walking rule

First, watch the video to the left.


Next, play vowel team wordo .

(Print as many game boards as you have players. Print page 7 and cut apart the words. Place the cards face down. Pick a word card and cover the word if you have it on your wordo board. The player who gets 5 in a row wins! This game is very similar to BINGO)

Math- Let's review addition with a game


First, read a book of your choice for 10 minutes

Then, complete 1 or 2 pages in aloha first grade keep book.

Let's take another field trip to the San Diego Zoo! (Click on the link on the left)

First, look at some different animals at the Zoo. Enjoy watching the videos and learning about different animals!

Then, pick your favorite animal you saw and send me a video telling me why you like this animal best and a fun fact or 2 about it!