Monday 6/1

Good Morning! Today is A-Day and we have PE. I hope you had a chance to enjoy this beautiful weather. I took my kids swimming in my parent's pool. What did you do? I have added a new Flipgrid for you to answer. Would you rather have a unicorn or a genie come live with you? Follow the link to record your answer.

Below is your work for the day.

Peek in a Week

Parents please screenshot and send me the following.

  1. Reader's and Writer's notebook page 587

  2. Smelly Socks work


First, log onto brainpop junior (username hklarer password firstgrade1) and watch the video on Theme.

Next, complete Reader’s and Writer’s notebook page 587

Last, listen to Smelly Socks by Robert Munsch. We will be working with a few Robert Munsch books this week. He has a great website- please have the kids check it out!


First complete Reader’s and Writer’s notebook page 585

Last, read aloud words and sentences on page 206

Listen to Smelly Socks!

Writing- After listening to Smelly Socks- Students will follow the directions and make their own Smelly Sock glyph

Last, students will write down the problem in the story and the solution on their Smelly Socks!

Social Studies- log onto S.S. site- read Topic 1 Schools Past and Present. Then read topic 2 Communities Past and Present. Discuss the changes the students noticed from the past to now with an adult.

Extra FUN: Today is International Dinosaur Day. If you would like to take a virtual trip to learn more you can click this link. The presentation begins at 12:00PM. (You will need to access facebook to watch. This is NOT mandatory.)