Friday 5/15

2020 Virtual Spirit Week

Good Morning! Today is A-Day and we have P.E. Honiss school is celebrating School Spirit. Wear your Honiss gear! Happy Birthday to our friend Griffin! He turns 7 on Saturday!! Below is your work for the day.

Happy Birthday Griffin!! I wish we were at school so we could celebrate with you, but since we can't we can all sing and dance to our favorite GoNoodle birthday song!

Parents please screenshot and send me the following:

  1. Phonics oo worksheet

  2. Spelling test

  3. Writing worksheets (2)


First, Log onto Pearson and take Week 3 Balanced online test. It will let you listen to the story Dot and Jabber. Then it will ask you some comprehension questions. You do not need to do question 7 or 8- but if you would like to try them you can! Just submit the test with 7 and and 8 not answered.

Next, read aloud the Star Student keep book. Then assemble the keep book. Illustrate cover, and pages 4,5, and 6. Practice re-reading for fluency.

Last, log onto EPIC and read a book from your mailbox. If you don’t have anything in your mailbox assigned from me, pick a good. Remember to log your books onto your reading log!


First, complete assessment using I and Me

Next , complete the questioning assessment.

Last, pick a pair of antonyms from your antonyms word list to use in sentences. Write two sentences. Illustrate a picture to match each sentence.

EX: The beach is large. The shell is small.

Phonics, read the oo word in each box. Follow directions below. (If you can't print, you can sort the words into two lists, oo as in spoon and oo as in book.)

Handwriting- do page 66-67, capital letter F in Handwriting book.

Spelling- have an adult give you the spelling test!

Math- do teacher assigned IXL activity H-17 for 10 minutes.


First log onto NG and read 28. Different Dogs

Then answer Wrap it up Questions orally after reading the section