Wednesday 6/10

Parents please screenshot and send me the following:

  1. vowel color code

  2. Field trip report

Good morning! Today is C-Day and we have Library. Today we are going to take a virtual field trip because we didn't get to go on our real field trip. I hope you enjoy a different day of learning today! Below is your work for the day.

Phonics- Let’s review the difference between short and long vowels.

First, watch the video.

Next, complete the color by vowel sound color code. If you do not have a printer you can sort the words into 2 lists-short/long.

We are going on a Virtual Field Trip!!

Watch Nickelodeon's Slime in Space: A Virtual Field Trip! (The link is below.)

Then, complete the Fill in the Blank story sheets with a grown up. Read it and laugh at the silly story you created!

You can also click on the resources tab to see other fun activities you can complete.(Optional)

After going on our Virtual Field trip you can:

Make your own slime (optional) Here is a video or there are others you can search up to make your own.

Let’s continue learning about space by visiting

Have fun exploring the webpage.

Last, complete Field Trip Reporting Page.