School event themes are a Russian roulette

Posted Dec. 5, 2022

By Vil McElhaney


DDHS has had plenty of school events from smaller gatherings like school dances, to bigger events like HOCO and prom. Themes for these events have always been a russian roulette. Some people love them, some people hate them, it's a fifty-fifty split. 

I always had strong distaste towards the themes for school events that have been picked out. For example, last year's homecoming theme “Year 3,000”. Come ON, so many people have done futuristic themes for school dances before. 

“It was honestly horrible,” says former DDHS senior Aslan Morgan. “It was basically a bad attempt at pulling something off that CLEARLY went south.” 

Then around my sophomore year, maybe junior, there was a “Wild West” theme for homecomingl. Again, a theme that completely and utterly FLOPPED in my opinion. I don't remember much about it other than finding the theme extremely disappointing.

And then there was the “Old Hollywood” theme for prom. Many people enjoyed this theme, including myself. People were allowed to get more creative with their outfits and they were very classy with the way they dressed. It’s one of my favorite themes that the school has done so far, as I’ve always loved the old Hollywood style when it came to fashion. 

And then there’s this upcoming winter formal theme, “Belle of the Ball.” It has received positive feedback from students and teachers alike, especially the diehard Disney fans such as myself. This theme is less vague because it’s tied to an actual piece of media that people can gain references and outfit inspiration from. 

“I’m lowkey excited to see how it turns out, considering I grew up on Beauty and the Beast. I’m hoping it's not disappointing like last year’s formal, ‘Lost in a Dream,’  was.” said Morgan. “With having a more specific theme, like Beauty and the Beast, instead of a vague theme like last year’s was, there’s more to work with.” 

The themes this school has come with for events have had their ups and downs. I personally tend to find the themes disappointing more often than not. This is most likely due to the vagueness of the majority of the themes that have been picked out over the years.