Wrestling dominates Reynolds on Senior Night

Posted Feb. 5 2024

Sports Editor

Aislynn Hawk

The wrestling team said goodbye to their seniors and won their Reynolds duel 61-13 on Thursday, Jan 25th. Seniors earned 31 of those points total. 

132 pound senior Yestin Narruhn accepted a forfeit, earning his team 6 points. 138 pound senior Max Pilat also accepted a forfeit, gaining another 6 points for The Scots.

144 pound senior Troy Hockett pinned his opponent with a time of 3:47, this added 6 points to David Douglas’s score. Another 4 points were earned when 150 pound senior Bilal Alshujerry ended round 3 of his match with a major score difference between him and his opponent of 16-7. In only 0:56 seconds, 175 pound senior Hung Le was able to pin his opponent, this earned the team 6 more points. 

The night ended with a close match between 285 pound senior AJ Wedge and his opponent. Wedge got a bloody nose during the 2nd round, causing blood time. Before blood time was able to end, Wedge went back in and the crowd loudly cheered. At the end of round 3, the score was 2-1, meaning overtime was needed to determine a winner, because three points is required for a victory. As the clock went into overtime, the crowd grew more enthusiastic. The crowd began to cheer Wedge’s name as he won the tiebreaker with a score of 3-1, earning his team 3 points.

Although the seniors on JV did not add to the team score, they cheered varsity on and helped contribute to the team’s energy. “Things went great against Reynolds and it was a great send off for all of the seniors,” said coach Bill Goldsberry.All of the seniors have been working extremely hard and are preparing themselves to do well at the district and state tournament. I'm extremely proud of this team."