The Black Panther is an Iconic Marvel Studios film that has earned $1.3 billion in international sales since its premiere on February 16th 2018. 

Posted January 24 

Leaderson Kariuki

Cub Reporter


The Black Panther is an Iconic Marvel Studios film that has earned $1.3 billion in international sales since its premiere on February 16th 2018. Directed by the famed Ryan Coogler, the film follows a new superhero by the name The Black Panther who is tasked with leading and being the protector of his country by the name Wakanda. Following the death of the current Black Panther, prince T’challa claims the throne but is soon met by an issue that requires both his bravery and his wisdom. Wakanda was the largest producer of Vibranium but now, they were being faced with a threat of running out and exposing themselves due to the commercial greed of some villains.

Prince T’challa, played by Chadwick Boseman, creates such an emotional attachment with his audience that the tension in his combat scenes is so much that it is close to being palpable. The lead villain was played by world-wide known actor Michael B Jordan. Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole co-wrote the script that was one of the best I’ve seen. The number of plot twists and suspense scenes in the film goes to show just how much the screenplay writers did to make this film a success. The dialogue between characters features so many real reactions that you can’t even tell if the movie is fictional or a reality tv show. There is presence of very conspicuous angles that improved the film’s quality. The blurriness present in most films during action scenes was not seen here; there was clarity in every single scene. The director went for a low lighting in most scenes.This in turn evoked a somber tense feeling but at the same time tying the audience to the actors’ environment. The editing proved just how talented the crew working on the movie was. The clips were in perfect sync with each other.

The film, took the film world by storm. Both the cast and the crew played significant roles in its success. The plot was one that was pulled out of the mind of film geniuses and the quality of the film was one to be envied. The Black Panther will remain to be my personal favorite movie until the production of a movie that challenges it.