Promgoers masquerade downtown

Posted May 24, 2024

Scarlet Gryczka-Angulo

Cub Reporter

Six hundred and forty students and numerous staff dressed their best and attended prom at Castaway Portland downtown on the night of April 26th.

  The lights were low, and the music was loud. It was an Evening at the Masquerade and students dressed the part, looking their best. The DJ played hit party songs from all sorts of decades and multiple slow songs for people that came to prom with a significant other. Memories were made at this dance nonetheless. 

It’s clear to say that the dance wasn’t the only thing there was to do. Students had numerous options if they ever needed a rest from the dance floor. It didn’t take long for the crowd to build up on the dance floor. People in small groups started to form circles with others and the fun was created. Students danced all night no matter if they knew the song or not, it was the environment that created the mindset they were in. 

A covered outdoor area was available with a silent disco, human sized chess and other board games if anyone wanted a break from dancing. Two rows of chairs were set up on each side of a movie projector which was facing a wall, showing a Disney movie and, later, Hamilton. Back in the building, if dancers got hungry or a little parched, water and apple cider in plastic champagne glasses were provided. For food, prom provided more than 500 cakepops the whole night. There were tables where students could sit down to get a quick break or talk with their friends. If people wanted your photos taken they had a photobooth and a virtual photo booth run by staff members where students could get their photos taken with their friends.        

Tickets were 25 dollars if students were an early bird, but for the rest it went up to 30. Upperclassmen had the privilege to bring a plus one. Students could take an underclassmen with them or, if they filled out a guest pass permission slip, someone outside of the David Douglas school.

“People were living it up,” junior Kenya Solorio said.