Dee's Cafe serves up succulence and success

Senior David Li prepares a fresh strawberry smoothie ($4.75) Photo by Highlander staff

Posted May 24, 2024

Jaionna Frison

Cub Reporter

    Embedded in the hearts of students at DDHS, Dee’s cafe has been a beloved campus destination for students for over a decade. The subtle hum of conversation meets the pleasant aromas of freshly prepared bites. Dee’s cafe is a vibrant hub of activity, offering a selection of culinary delights that cater to all tastes, perfect for a quick grab-and-go or a leisurely meal during lunch.

The cafe’s turkey melt has become a popular favorite, with its toasted bread, melted cheese, and tasty slices of turkey harmonizing in a symphony of flavors. It’s a highly favored dish that students devote most of their lunch time to grab, not just for its deliciousness but for the way it provides a quick, satisfying bite during lunch or in the morning. This beloved dish stands out for its consistent quality and has become a reliable pick-me-up during those long days on campus. 

Over the years, the cafe has blossomed into a successful business. From its challenging beginnings, where it faced financial challenges, the cafe has undergone a remarkable transformation. Thanks to a series of strategic menu refreshes and thoughtful improvements to the dining experience, it has not only emerged from debt but flourished into a profitable business.

“Yes, the cafe has become successful. I would say originally when I took over it was quite a bit in debt,” Samuel said. “And then after adding new things to the menu and getting it kinda situated it’s become pretty successful and profitable.”  

To join the staff of Dee’s cafe, students must finish a couple of courses.  “They would take introduction to business, marketing, or accounting 1, then apply, interview, and then get in,” said Samuel. 

Once part of the team, senior  Aki Tran, who’s an employee at the cafe, finds the  process worth it and the experience invaluable.

“Very worth it,” Aki said. “Because at the end you get a lot of learning experience, you get new bonds, you get new opportunities, and you learn a lot that you wouldn’t expect to learn.” 

Working at the cafe is more than just a job; it’s a comprehensive educational journey that equips students with practical skills, lasting friendships, and a window into future careers. 

The 30 minute lunch break is a tight squeeze for the cafe to serve all of its customers, leading to a bit of a rush every day, but freshman Ty’heir Larry said, “Yes, if you get there first, or if there’s a school event going on, the lines are shorter.”