Lunar New Year Editorial

Posted Feb. 22, 2024

By The Highlander Staff

David High School principal Greg Carradine is retiring next year. So it’s only right that students have a say in who exactly will be their principal next year.  When it comes to a school, the most essential figure that represents said school will be the principal. That is exactly why the student body needs to decide who will be the most adept at representing its student body and its characteristics. 

It is of utmost importance that the school and especially its ‘leader’ represent the same diversity that has been maintained in its 3000 students. Our high school should be a place that emphasizes and honors the background of those who step foot into our school every day. Whether that means honoring tradition by making sure there is cultural awareness or representation of various ethnicities in school events. 

Our principal should be willing to face and address difficult situations within the student body and even between teachers or administrators. There is a certain courage that comes with addressing and righting our wrongs. 

The new principal should continue pursuing the mission of leaving our students not only academically prepared but socially prepared, readily equipped to face the future and pursue their dreams. 

David Douglas should be ready to give their students a taste of what it will be like after high school. Many call the United States a melting pot of vibrant cultures and backgrounds. Our high school should also represent that purpose with our new principal leading this movement.