DDHS refuses to let students leave campus 

"This kind of responsibility helps them develop important time  management skills that will be valuable throughout their lives."

Posted Jan. 26, 2024

Jaionna Frison

Cub Reporter

Students at DDHS should be allowed to leave campus during lunch because it offers them more freedom, variety, and teaches important time management skills.  Students being able to leave campus gives them a chance to take a breather and explore beyond the school grounds. It's important for students to have this opportunity because it allows them to make the most of their lunch break and develop crucial time management skills.

  At DDHS Students have a 30 minute lunch break. With this short amount of time many students often end up wasting a significant portion of their lunch period just waiting in line. Some students stay in the area where they have their next period after lunch, so most students are in the north. The north  is very chaotic and packed during lunch and with only thirty minutes left, many students don't even get to grab lunch. This can be very frustrating and leaves students with limited time to enjoy their meal or socialize with friends. 

For example, one time during lunch I traveled back to the north, because of my next class period being in that area. When I reached the line for hot food, it was all the way outside to the front of the health building  doors. A couple of minutes passed by and the bell rang. A few other students and I  were pretty frustrated because the cafeteria workers were putting food away and we  had to get to class. I went to class with an empty stomach and horrible attitude. 

By allowing students to leave campus during lunch , they have the opportunity to practice managing their time effectively. With most kids planning where they will go for lunch depending on their next period, when having the freedom to leave campus, they have to manage their time wisely to ensure they make it back to school on time for their next class. Theý'll need to plan their lunch break, prioritize their activities, and make sure they return to campus on time. This kind of responsibility helps them develop important time management skills that will be valuable throughout their lives.