Hollywood in a state of apathy

Posted Oct. 17, 2023

By Benjamin Larkin

Opinions Editor

Because of cancel culture and the need for movies to fit current popular political trends Hollywood has become increasingly politicized. Endless sequels and spin offs, and a reliance on celebrity actors with most films selling their setting and cast more than the film itself. There is a general malaise around Hollywood that wears down young filmmakers and actors and a more decentralized approach to filmmaking would give many of these aspiring filmmakers a chance at the spotlight. 

Hollywood is America’s centralized film industry headquartered in Los Angeles California. Hollywood has a presence all across the nation and even an international presence.  Hollywood’s life as America's premier film industry began over a century ago with its first film studio appearing in 1911. Over time Hollywood became more than just a group of film studios in sunny California it has grown into an entire industry of its own.

The world and this country have changed dramatically since Hollywood was founded and so has the movie making process, especially with digital editing and special effects, and I think that Hollywood has lost its place. The medium of internet based media sources has increased in terms of importance with it being easier than ever to produce quality films. People are looking for a breath of fresh air, something new and exciting, a possibility that hasn't been considered, and Hollywood is no longer offering that breath of fresh air.

Many people still value Hollywood and still enjoy some of its productions. There is a value in Hollywood's size and dedication to immersion in production and some films do stand out and are generally well received.  Despite the success of many more positive films many Hollywood filmmakers describe a need to challenge viewpoints and represent demographics instead of entertaining viewers which I feel is a mistake considering the difficult times many people are living through, and how could Hollywood really represent those differing viewpoints more accurately than they could represent themselves.