Edina Edmund

Edina Edmund is currently a sophomore at David Douglas High School. This is her first year of Journalism. She is a part of the Pacific Islander Community from Chuuk, Micronesia. She dreams to inspire other young ones to trust God's plan and do what they dream to do. Her biggest goal in life is to make her family proud and make a good example for her younger brother. She was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, but traveled around to Chuuk and Guam growing up. She loves traveling with her family and learning more about her culture and religion. She is a Christian that grew up in a catholic church. She grew up in a really strict, loyal, and religious Chuukese household with one younger brother, Punufas Edmund, who currently goes to Ventura Park Elementary School. She loves spending time with her family , playing volleyball, and having bible studies with her cousins.  Her favorite verse that helps motivate her at her lowest times is Matthew 14: 25-33 because it reminds her to never doubt God's plan and to leave all her worries in his hands. She is very strong in her faith, but is still working on herself mentally and physically.

Stories and columns by Edina