Student body elects new ASB officers

Newly elected ASB officers gather at an ASB workshop on May 21st. Top, left to right: junior Nina Phan (VP of Equity and Wellness), sophomore Jacob Hall (VP of Athletics), junior Kiara Gonzalez (VP of Community Engagement), and sophomore Griffin Bloomquist-Hulbert (Head of Communications). Middle row, left to right:  sophomore Lydia Yihdego (Junior Class President), junior Melissa Kate (President), junior Katelyn Vo (Senior Class President), junior Alketa Veseli (VP of Spirit), and freshman Madison Sudenny (Sophomore Class President). Front and center: junior Ailing Zhen (Treasurer).                           photo courtesy Kelsey Stiff 

Posted May 24, 2024

Sabina Rai

Cub Reporter

    The student body voted for the Associated Student Body (ASB) applicants and the results are in. 

     Kelsey Stiff is the activities director and oversees the entire Student Council program, including ASB. This coming school year the ASB officers are President Melissa Kate, Vice President of Spirit Alketa Veseli, Vice President of Athletics Jacob Hall, Vice President of Community Engagement Kiara Gonzalez, Vice President of Equity and Wellness Nina Phan, Head of Communications Griffin Bloomquist-Hulbert, Treasurer Ailing Zhen, Senior Class President Katelyn Vo, Junior Class President Lydia Yihdego and Sophomore Class President Madison Studenny. 

     The ASB president attends monthly school board meetings and runs monthly ASB meetings. VP of Spirit attends monthly PTSA meetings, co-advises the Scots Spirit team, plans and executes spirit-related events, and collaborates with the VP of Athletics. 

     VP of  Athletics attends monthly Dad’s Club meetings, coordinates school-wide sports-related events, coordinates with VP of Spirit to maintain attendance at the athletic events. VP of Community Engagement attends club and activity meetings as the Student Council Representative.

     “Our goal is to expand on the program we have and continue to grow as leaders!” Said Mrs. Stiff.  The Vice President of Equity collaborates with the chairperson of the presidential council and oversees the class Equity & Wellness team. The treasurer oversees all financial aspects of the Student Council’s collaboration with non-profit organizations and businesses. The Head of Communications oversees the Social Media & PR team and is in charge of all social media pages and media representation of the Student Council.

     The Senior Class President communicates information to their respective class through social media and other means and plans and implements grade-level bonding activities. 

     ASB members have the opportunity to represent DDHS at Mt. Hood Conference events, meetings, and workshops. Many of them work with outside groups that support DDHS.

     “Student Council is a group of leaders,” said the current ASB president senior Aaron Busi.  “There’s the popular students, the lesser-known students, the outspoken students, and the quiet students. You don’t have to fall within one of those categories to be part of serving our community.”