World tensions may be reaching boiling point

Posted Apr 8, 2024

By Benjamin Larkin

News Editor

While it can be confusing to navigate the politics and propaganda of our times it is clear that there is a profound sense of tension bubbling under the surface and if that tension was to boil over it could lead to political disaster.

Several ongoing conflicts in the world, such as the Ukraine war and the Israel-Gaza war, have inflamed tensions between the world's largest and most powerful nations, such as the United States of America and the Russian Federation, and have caused smaller nations to begin preparations for war. In particular, tensions are high in the Middle East with continued Houthi attacks on red sea shipping and Israeli airstrikes on neighboring countries that threatened to expand the Israel-Gaza war into a region wide conflict. Low intensity conflicts such as counter terrorism operations in west africa and the Mynamer conflict are also ongoing.

The Israel Gaza conflict has expanded as Israeli airstrikes target organizations that have engaged in terror attacks against Israel with an Israeli air strike hitting the Iranian consulate in Syria killing seven which included three Iranian military officers. Because of these incidents it seems somewhat likely that the Israel-Gaza war could develop into a larger scale conflict as Iran and the United States could both be dragged into the war. This could also lead to another long war in the middle east that would be a large strain on our nation for little gain with no certainty of victory. 

Iran, Russia, and China are all currently struggling with political turmoil inside their nations and have been feeling increased pressure from the United States. As Iran deals with protests over rights and with Russia having recently gone through an attempted coup it is clear that those countries' governments feel a need to project strength. China for its part is dealing with a rapidly aging population and a large decline in its economic growth. The declining situations of America’s rivals could prompt them to make decisions that would normally be too risky to consider 

In Europe more countries are seeking NATO membership and preparing for a potential conflict with Russia. On its part Russia has declared increased support for pro Russian separatists in the nation of Moldova which is the same tactic used in their invasion of Ukraine where they claimed to be protecting pro Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Moldova is not a member of NATO on account of its Constitution which requires it to maintain permanent neutrality and have no foreign military presence within its borders. Russia’s dependence upon its war economy and tenuous grip over its citizens' loyalty could prompt it to roll the dice, betting on another war. 

There is also the threat of nations suffering through economic hardship and natural disasters that are liable to collapse such as the Caribbean nation of Haiti whose government collapsed following the assassination of its president and a string of natural disasters since 2010 that have devastated the nation's economy and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Murder, rape, theft, mass shootings, gang executions and other horrific crimes currently plague Haiti with the island nation serving as an example of what could occur in other undeveloped nations. 

Africa for its part is suffering from its own conflicts and seems likely to experience further hardship as the Sahel region continues to deteriorate as Radical Islamist groups launch terror attacks en masse. There is also the ongoing political violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with rebellion seeming likely to break out as well as a possible war with the neighboring nation of Rwanda. Issues such as the Somali civil war and various conflicts against rebel, terrorist, and separatist movements in 36 different nations contribute to the overall turmoil in Africa. 

With the presidential election coming up later this year and political tensions flaring up as a result any major event such as a terrorist attack or war could have a major effect on United States politics and the results of the presidential election. While it is not certain that peace will break down it is clear that many nations including the United States of America are suffering from political instability and could make choices made to appease or control their populations that would drive the world into crisis. It remains to be seen what decisions America and its voters will make in the coming months but those decisions will have critical importance on whether peace and international trade can be maintained or if we will watch peace and our economy begin to crumble.