Caleb Conklin

Caleb is a strange person. He tries to be outgoing but ends up being shy. He’s a freshman in high school, and is worried about what is to come. He enjoys basically all subjects, but his enjoyment in classes highly depends on the teacher. Caleb wants to read more often, but he struggles to find good series. He likes to write short stories based off of random ideas usually compiled from a movie or show he previously watched. He has quite a few pets, some that people find very strange. He has a dog named Simba who is really dumb, neurotic, and senile. Simba doesn’t like to play anymore and usually will waddle up to people to beg for their food (which makes him barf). Another pet he has is a cat named Pesto. Pesto was adopted from the street and was not his family’s choice. The entire neighborhood basically forced his family to take in the cat, who now lives a fat and lazy life. The last two pets he has are rats named Chi and Paisley. They are very cuddly and are not most people’s choice for a pet. For Caleb’s hobbies he works out, plays video games, and writes. He joined Journalism to try something new, and see where his writing capabilities can take him.

Stories and columns by Caleb