BSU looking for leadership after advisor moves on

Published Jan 26, 2024

By Haley Moreschi

News Editor

David Douglas High School’s BSU advisor of twelve years, Etema Banks, moves on to pursue another opportunity.

   Etema Banks has been a loyal advisor for the Black Student Union for twelve year, making her a key leader to the program. Students involved in and with the Black Student Union remember Banks as one of the most welcoming people at Douglas to all students no matter their race. 

Melissa Kate, a student involved in BSU, said, “Whenever you were just struggling in a class, or just in life, she would create a comfortable environment for you to tell her all your problems.” Banks was more of an “at school mother” with how she would provide wisdom about life during and after high school, going on to help kids involved find scholarships and resources to get that extra help for students who intended to go to college. 

Banks would always make sure to keep her BSU students involved and up-to-date with information and opportunities they would never have had without her thoughtfulness and caring compassion for her students.

Along with her welcoming character, she always made sure to keep snacks and water in her room, while even keeping it open through non-school hours.

Through her time at Douglas," Kate said, "she was able to create such strong impactful relationships with all her students.”

In an email to the faculty of Douglas, Banks stated, “I am grateful for the many opportunities that this place has given me, to make a lasting impact on our amazing students.”