Scots Volleyball team made the playoffs

The Scots Volleyball team huddles up during their match against Gresham on Oct. 8th. Photo courtesy of Kevin Nguyen

Published Oct. 27th, 2023

Sports Editor

Long Le

The Scots Volleyball team made the playoffs, being ranked 21 out of the 50 teams in state, ranking 4th in Conference, with a season record of 7-7.

The season overall was effortful. It has plentiful hard fought victories and losses though those loses were fought with heart all according to Head Volleyball Coach Janeen Rainy.

The team coming in with senior squad this year having 7 starter seniors out of 12 players 

Mt.Hood Conference has some formidable schools under their names being Nelson ranked 4th in state, Central Catholic ranked 9th, Barlow ranked 11th with Sandy ranked 25 and Clackamas ranked 35th. 

The games against Clackamas and Sandy ended with the Scotswomen going 3-0. At times the opposing team were close but however Scots had control over the game, they’re strong but the Scotwomen remained consistent according to Coach Rainy.

The game against Gresham took took a set off Douglas going 3-1

Barlow was difficult, losing 3-0 against them. But it was a learning experience that paved the way for 2 most difficult matches the team faced: Central Catholic, and Nelson. According to Coach Rainy.

With the Nelson game though they lost the Scots managed to take a set off the Hawks ending the match in 3-1. According to OSAA records out of all the other teams in the Conference other than Barlow and Central Catholic the Scots is one of the teams in conference that took a set off Nelson. 

The Central Catholic though they lost 3-0 it was a hard fought battle. Based on Coach Rainy it was one of the best games they played against Central Catholic.

“Our girls played one of the best games I’ve seen against Central Catholic since I’ve been coaching here.” said Coach Rainy “They played their all into the game focusing on having fun. They want to leave the game without any regrets.” 

Reynolds played after Central Catholic where the Scots worked a swift Victory 3-0.

The Scots MVP of the season is Seniors Setter/Hitter Haley Moreschi, Libero Angeleena Acosta, and Middle Blocker Eliamma McMore.