Jaionna Frison

Jaionna is currently a DDHS freshman in her first year of journalism. Despite the brutal honesty of her only wanting to be in the class because of a friend she's actually really excited to be trying something new. Jaionna LOVES listening to music. You may often catch her with her airpods in her ears despite the regulations against them. She enjoys listening to various artists and is the right person to come to for music recommendations.  Jaionna enjoys playing with her dog who she views as her "son",  stacking her paper, buying lots and lots of shoes, getting various body piercings, and taking pictures of scenery she finds aesthetically pleasing.  Her favorite color is pink because in her words, "who doesn't love pink?..".  Her favorite season is fall because she loves to wear puffer coats and hoodies, and the chill weather flows perfectly together with her chill but timid personality. 

Stories and columns by Jaionna