Create & Manage Groups

This section describes the process for creating and managing groups of customers

The user will begin by navigating to the NTUA Portal Homepage.

Step 1: Navigate to the following URL: User will enter their 1) Username and 2) Password, then click Login.

Step 2: If authentication is successful, the customer will be navigated to the MiAdmin Homepage, with the Customer Search page opened by default. From the left-hand navigation menu select Groups, then select Create Group.

Note: Only users with a role of Admin will see the Groups section.

Step 3: Enter the relevant customer search criteria. See also the Customer Search guide. When complete, click Search.

Step 4: View Search Results. The user may now save the search results as a group by selecting Save Result as Group.

Step 5: From the popup create a memorable Name and Description to identify the saved result. Click Submit.

Step 6: A message is received that the group has been saved successfully.

Step 7: Users may view saved groups by selecting Manage Groups from the left navigation.

Step 8: If multiple saved groups exist, the user may narrow down search results using any of the following fields:

1. Group Name

2. Created By

3. Updated By

4. Updated On

5. Created On

6. Archived - No (by default), Yes

Step 9: Click Search. Results that match the criteria will be displayed.

Step 10: Click on any of the Group Names listed (row will be highlighted), then click View Group to view the group details and results.

Step 11: You can scroll down to see all the group members and you can use the page control at the bottom to navigate between them.