Mobile - Customer Registration

This section describes how a customer will complete the self-registration process from a Mobile Device

The self-registration process is designed to allow the customer to verify their identity and contract account number without the assistance of a Customer Service Representative.

Step 1: Open the NTUA customer self-service Mobile Application

Step 2: All first-time customers of the NTUA Portal must first register their contract account by tapping Register Here.

Step 3: Account Verification: The Customer will enter the account number

1. Account Number (Required)

When the user enters their valid account number the system will display additional required fields based on their account type (Person / Organization):

If it is an account number associated with a Person, then the following fields will be displayed:

If it is an account number associated with an Organization, then the following fields will be displayed:

Step 4: Customer Taps Next.

Step 5: Terms & Conditions: Customers must agree to and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions by Tapping the 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' button; then Tap Next.

Step 6: Login Information: The customer will choose their username, enter their email address, password and security questions/answers. Customers are required to complete all of the fields on the Login Information step before proceeding. Once complete, click Next.

Step 7: Program Enrollments: The customer will choose whether they want to enroll in the paperless billing program and/or text alerts. If enrolling in text alerts, customers are required to provide a mobile phone number. Once a selection for each section has been made they will Tap Submit to process their registration.

Step 8: Registration Confirmation: After completing the registration form, the customer will be presented with an enrollment confirmation screen. This page informs the customer that they will receive an email with a link to activate their username.

Step 8: Registration Verification Email: Customer registration is NOT complete until the customer opens the registration email and clicks the activation link. Clicking this link will activate the new username. Without clicking this link, the username will remain inactive and the customer will not be able to access the portal. Upon clicking the activation link, the customer will be navigated to the NTUA Homepage to complete their first login.

The Registration process is now complete! The customer can begin using the NTUA Portal.