Mobile - One Time Payment

This section describes the One Time Payment process for Unregistered NTUA customers through the Mobile Application

The One Time Payment feature allows customers to pay their bill without the need for registration.

Step 1: Open the NTUA customer self-service Mobile Application

Step 2: Click the One Time Payment icon in the bottom section of the Application

Step 3: Account Information: The Customer will enter the account number and its details, in addition to the email address.

1. Account Number (Required)

2. Email Address (Required)

When the user enters their valid account number the system will display additional required fields based on their account type (Person / Organization):

If it is an account number associated with a Person, then the following fields will be displayed:

Step 4: Customer inputs the required data then Taps Next.

Step 5: Terms & Conditions: Customers must agree to and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions by tapping the 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' button; then Tapping Next.

Step 6: Payment: Customers must add a payment method, select the payment amount; then Tap Review.

Step 7: Review: Customers can view the payment details before it is committed; then Tap Submit.

Step 8: Confirmation: Customers can view the payment confirmation; then Taps Close.