View Mail Insert

This section describes the steps to view mail inserts as a registered NTUA customer

Customers can view a PDF image of any mail insert (mail inserts are typically included with paper bill mailings). This is especially helpful for customers enrolled in paperless billing since they no longer receive mail inserts (due to paper bills not being sent). This section displays up to 24-months of mail inserts (if the account has been active in SAP for this duration and the PDFs are available).

Step 1: The customer clicks the Billing & Payments tab in the left-hand navigation menu.

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page. The bottom table will be labeled Mail Inserts and the customer can click on View for any insert displayed to review the contents of that document.

Step 3: The NTUA Portal will retrieve a PDF image of the selected document and present the PDF in a separate browser tab. The customer can close the tab to return to the Portal.