How to transfer Grades from Turnitin submission to Marksheet

How to download Turnitin submission Grades

In your Module, click Gradebook setup from the Administration block. Select Export Excel spreadsheet from the drop down list. You will need to scroll down to locate it.

Click on none to unselect all. Tick the required Turnitin submission Grade and click Download.

Save the file on your computer.

Download the Marksheet file from PIP and save it on your computer. Open both Marksheet file and Turntin Grades file.

How to transfer Grades

Insert a new Worksheet in the Marksheet file. Double click on Sheet1 and rename it to Grades.

Copy the content from the Turnitin Grades to the Grades Worksheet.

Click the pointed area to select the whole content from the Turnitin Grades file. Select Copy from Menu or right click on the selected area and click Copy. Select A1 from the Grades Worksheet in the Marksheet file. Click Paste from Menu or right click A1 and select Paste.

You need to convert the data (student number) in the ID column of the Grades Worksheet to number. Select all the student number. Click the down arrow and select Convert to Number.

Locate the column you wish to transfer the Grades and select the row of the first student. It is H6 in this example.

Type =VLOOKUP( A6,Grades!$C$2:$G$100,5,0) in H6 and press Enter.

You will need to change 100 to actual data (the last row of the list) you have in the Grades Worksheet.

Select H6 and click Copy from Menu or right click on H6 and Copy.

Select H7 to the last row of the column and click Paste from Menu or right click on the selected area and Paste.

Save the file in the end.

PS. You can use VLOOKUP function to locate data. Please refer to the Office and Howtogeek help pages below.